Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mobile headphones - Bose MIE2

When it comes to hifi I have a favourite magazine, the swedish Hifi & Musik. Whatever they say, I trust it. With good reason! The bad thing is they haven't understood that their articles should be accessible on Internet, instead you can order articles, for money, which is totally retarded. But anyway...

I read Hifi & Musik in the library and in issue 10 of 2010 there was an article about headphones where they gave 10 and 10 out of 10 to the Bose MIE2 headphones. As I just had gotten a new phone, that I had loaded with 14GB of mp3:s, I wanted good headphones. So I looked around on the Internet and realised that I could get a pair from Amazon for $125 while the list price in Sweden was SEK 1495, almost twice as much! Wtf? Anyway, I went to Tele-Hå and tried them on. They sounded great and they felt great! (The innovative way of wearing them works perfectly.) When I asked them about the insane price policy of Bose (fucking inbred US companies!) we started discussing the price... I asked about chords, and we threw in some CrimsonPlus RCA cables. We finally settled with a price that almost made me feel guilty... ;) I will buy my new DAC there, as a thank you.

Happy with my purchase I went to get a cappuccino and try them. And it turns out my Sony-Ericsson Xperia X8 is complete and utter crap. I kind of knew that already - it's amazingly slow and the user interface is made as bad as humanly possible (even though it's an Android phone!) - but still. Complying to a simple headphone plug standard is too complicated, apparently, so I can't get any sound (ok, if I don't stick it all the way in, there will be sound in the left ear), the button doesn't work and the sound is total shit. I mean it, total shit. Fuck Sony-Ericsson.

Hmm, that got a bit of a negative touch... Sorry about that. There is too much shit in this world. But the MIE2 are awesome! :)

1 comment:

alfred said...

It greatly improves the performance of the audio system. Nice hearing experience will be brought to the users. The users can feel the vibration which goes with the music. The vibration effect is very striking in the low frequency music. The performance of audio system is greatly improved. By the way, it's said that the low frequency vibration can provide astringent and massage-like benefits to your ears.
